ADAPT tincture


Support. Balance. Resilience….If you have heard of adaptogens and don’t quite know where to start, this is a pretty great place. A tincture that specialize in aiding the body to find balance and resilience in times of stress. Stress is sometimes inevitable, but we can offer our body support to better handle it and have strength in overcoming it. Not to mention, there’s some herbs in here noted to offer calming support and others that offer a little smile support- Support being the key word. Be supported in times of stress and need.




MOTHERWORT aerials ¥


MIMOSA flower º


AMLA berry ¥

Gluten Free Alcohol & Distilled Water

º ethically wildcrafted

¥ organic

Suggested use:

30 drops, in juice or water, 2x daily.

Long term (1+ months) shows most benefit.


You may also be interested in our ADAPT herbal tea.


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Teaching Herbalism Through Tincture Crafting:

Adaptogens are a newer classification of herbs that must follow a strict set of guidelines to fall into the category. Many consider adaptogens to be a “one size fits all” bunch of herbs all perfect for everyone to help with stress, but I have been taught that is not the case. Though they are gentle acting, restorative, and actively help the body’s HPA axis (Hypothalamus pituitary adrenal-cortex axis) in efforts to restore balance, each one has very specific abilities, energetics, and ideal person match. It is up to us to learn about each of them to know who to call upon when in need. I did my best to create a comprehensive blend of adaptogens beneficial to many people who find themselves in a time of stress or old stress response. I’ve combined herbs in a way to not only deeply feed the adrenals and nervous system, but to also bring a sense of calm happiness and support. This blend leaves some feeling energized and some feeling calmed while others simply feel deeply nourished. That is what I’m going for with this one. It is blended with the intention to bring you what YOU need and your system will respond accordingly. It takes some time to see the full benefit of adaptogens so enjoy this as a daily tonic feeling its offerings to your much deserving body..

ASHWAGANDA is included to bring a calmness while rebuilding. It is also a well noted anti inflammatory and clarity tonic for the brain. SCHISANDRA BERRY- liver tonic and adaptogen that can bring a calm focus to over chattering minds. Also happens to be beneficial for allergic responses.   MOTHERWORT is included to bring an immediate sense of calmness so that the deeper acting adaptogens can do their work without the body begin in unnecessary flight or flight response. ELEUTHERO ROOT- The original adaptogen.  Helps the body find a wonderful state of balance without over energizing or over calming.  Wonderful "middle of the path" adaptogen focused on strengthening and restoring a run down system back to proper balance and vitality.  MIMOSA FLOWER to bring an upbeat sense of wellness and a gentle smile. HOLY BASIL- an adaptogen noted to soothe digestion, nervous tension, depressive thoughts, and out of balance immune activity. AMLA BERRY- a restorative tonic from Ayurvedic tradition focused on nourishing and replenishing a depleted system.  Wonderful for connective tissues.

This information and/or product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prescribe in regards to disease or illness as herbs are not drugs, and I am not a licensed medical professional. I am a plant wisdom keeper known as a clinical herbalist. Through the tradition of herbalism, I am passing on plant wisdom and teaching herbalism so you too can carry this ancient knowledge forward and feel more empowered toward regaining and maintaining your own whole body wellness. This is not a drug, has not been thruugh drug trials and is not intended to ever be confused with a drug. It doesn’t want to be one and is not.