
In the moment care for urinary system discomfort. I created this blend to tend to my own needs over 10 years ago and I still call upon it in times of need. I suffer from interstitial cystitis and this has been one of the only things to bring me immediate relief that I can feel good about.


KAVA KAVA root ¥

PARSLEY root ¥


Gluten Free Alcohol

& Distilled Water

¥ organic

Suggested use:

40 drops, in juice or water, every 1-2 hours until relief is achieved.

Take as needed up to 5x per day.


You may also be interested in our BLADDER RELEAF herbal tea.


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I created this blend over a decade ago out of need for myself. Interstitial cystitis is a condition that I have suffered with since I was a child, and it is also what got me into herbalism. I have found incredible relief, comfort and healing from herbs and that is saying a lot for this difficult to deal with condition. I made this tincture to carry around and basically always have on hand in case I had a “flare” (started being in pain). I blended Kava Kava root which is a well known urinary analgesic and also mildly calming which is helpful because when one of my flares begins, so does panic. Panic also exacerbates the condition so it is a no-no. I then added parsley root which is another urinary analgesic taught to me many years ago by an Amish herbalist who called upon it for almost any bladder pain condition. Lastly, I added in Plantain leaf that is not only soothing and pain relieving but it is also anti inflammatory to those highly irritated tissues bringing deeper benefit. I still carry this same blend around at all times just in case I need it. I felt like it was time to share it with the world as well in case anyone else needs it for whatever their needs may be.

If you would like to learn more about interstitial cystitis, I have a research paper that I wrote on this condition available on this website. Its in depth to say the least with lots of golden nuggets for anyone seeking.

I am by no means claiming that this information or product diagnoses, heals, treats or anything the medical condition interstitial cystitis. I am not allowed to claim that without this tincture going through drug trials which it, of course, has not. This is an herbal product I created for my own specific needs and found great comfort in. I wanted to share it with those that may as well. I am not a medical professional, I am an herbalist. This is not a drug, these are plants.