GET WELL tincture


Feeling under the weather? Let Mother Nature take care of you. This is a powerful blend of immune system nourishing, antiviral, antibacterial, and respiratory tonic herbs all brought together in a synergistic manner to create a very effective blend intended to offer support during illness and promote a speedy recovery. Ive been an herbalist for a long time and made a lot of bug battling blends. This is a tincture I landed on a long time ago and stuck with it for good reason. Its a powerhouse.




GOLDENROD aerials ¥



SPILANTHES aerials ¥

GINGER root ¥

OREGANO leaf ¥

Gluten Free Alcohol

Vegetable Glycerine ¥

& Distilled Water

¥ organic

Suggested use:

30 drops, in juice or water, 3-5x per day while symptoms are present.

30 drops, in juice or water, 1x per day afterward for 2-5 days to assure health has been restored.

This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Note any and all contraindications with these herbs and take with consideration to these.


You may also be interested in our GET WELL herbal tea.


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ELDER BERRIES were included in this blend for their antioxidant rich support to the immune system loaded with antiviral properties as well.

ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA root is my favorite immune system stimulant by far so it had to be included. Not to mention its an amazing lymphatic tonic which is key to recover.

GOLDENROD aerials are noted to tighten and tone mucosal tissues and dry up any drips driving you crazy.

HONEYSUCKLE flower is a TCM Allstar antiviral I call upon when tryin to battle almost any virus or bacteria.

ANDROGRAPHIS aerials is by far my favorite antiviral herb that I have always found to be incredibly helpful and effective.

SPILANTHES aerials is an immune stimulant and antibacterial herb I appreciate and just had to include.

GINGER root potentiates this formula driving it deeper into the system.

OREGANO leaf offers one final antibacterial and antiviral kick to this formula.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or prescribe in regards to disease or illness as herbs are not drugs, and I am not a licensed medical professional. I am a plant wisdom keeper known as a clinical herbalist. Through the tradition of herbalism, I am passing on plant wisdom and teaching herbalism so you too can carry this ancient knowledge forward and feel more empowered toward regaining and maintaining your own whole body wellness. This is not a drug, has not been thruugh drug trials and is not intended to ever be confused with a drug. It doesn’t want to be a drug and is not a drug.