BREATHE tincture


Coughing, coughing, coughing… it hurts, needs soothing and support in bringing all the junk up and out. This tincture is blended for just that. Soothing Wild cherry bark, Licorice root and Pleurisy root can offer soothing while expectorant and antibacterial herbs help your system clear with more ease.


WILD CHERRY BARK (hydrolyzed) ¥

MULLEIN leaf ¥


COLTSFOOT aerials ¥

THYME aerials ¥



Gluten Free Alcohol & Distilled Water

¥ organic

Suggested use:

30 drops, in juice or water, 3-5x per day while symptoms are present

This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Note any and all contraindications with these herbs and take with consideration to these.


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This blend is an amazing all around cough supportive superstar because of the synergy among the herbs included. WILD CHERRY bark brings antispasmodic and cough soothing properties (because it was properly hydrolyzed) while PLEURISY root and LICORICE root support this soothing to the irritated respiratory tract. They help tend to the inflammation and irritation so that coughs aren’t caused by irritated tissues, but rather, each cough is a supportive effort by your body to remove excess sputum. MULLEIN is a soothing expectorant as well as COLTSFOOT and THYME to assure the sputum can bring debris and invaders up and out of the lungs. ELECAMPANE is an all around superstar for the respiratory tract to support movement and provide antibacterial and antiviral benefit. This isn’t a random cough blend, this is herbalism in action.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or prescribe in regards to disease or illness as herbs are not drugs, and I am not a licensed medical professional. I am a plant wisdom keeper known as a clinical herbalist. Through the tradition of herbalism, I am passing on plant wisdom and teaching herbalism so you too can carry this ancient knowledge forward and feel more empowered toward regaining and maintaining your own whole body wellness. This is not a drug, has not been thruugh drug trials and is not intended to ever be confused with a drug. It doesn’t want to be a drug and is not a drug.