Simply Vitex Berries {2oz}


[Vitex agnus castus]

Also known as Chaste Tree Berries

Certified Organic

Form: Berries Whole

2 oz. Loose Leaf

{Found in our Balance and Fertitlity Herbal Infusions}

When do I think of Vitex berries? Whenever there are hormonal imbalance signs such as PMS, insomnia, anxiety, feeling “down” or moody, bloating, inflammation and so forth. Vitex is not a hormonal replacement therapy. It is not a drug. This little berry can work with the body to potentially help it achieve a state of balance. This is all coming from first hand experience and a big fan of this herb. I struggle with keeping my hormones balanced .and Vitex has been a friend of mine for a long time. It does need to be consumed daily for optimal benefit. That’s why I also made and offer our Balance tincture, a blend of Vitex berry and dandelion root. I am forever grateful to this plant because I believe deep in my heart that it helped me get pregnant with our sweet boy.

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